Irene Park More than an 8×10 On repeat – hit play Oh my goodness, it’s 2015^! The most joyful moment this holiday season surprised me. It happened so quickly and nonchalantly but I know it’ll somehow sustain me. With the end of the year push to reach out to managers and agents the first 2 …
“Why do you love magic?” was written across a white board in the middle of an industrial loft space somewhere in Studio City. The first question I was posed two Mondays ago. Asked in all seriousness and not terribly out of line given I was at an audition for one of the largest electronics companies …
Last night, I started Day 1 of 5 for my survival job! The very thought of it exhausted me, but I was pleasantly surprised by random turn of events! Wednesday night, I got to work only to be surprised by my manager with delicious In-n-out burgers for the crew on that night! Yay! I definitely …