
Reality Check

The makeup artist, Michael, on the set of the movie I shot this weekend said he felt inspired. “I had no idea where I was going when I started, but I love where it ended!” (Discovery!) It occurred to me as I was finishing up a post (which I’m taking FOREVER to update btw) that …


My classes at Warner Loughlin Studios have been such a blessing. Challenging, yes. But a huge improvement in my life because I can create in a safe space and learn from people who are just as good, if not, better than me on a regular basis. 🙂  The first scene my partner and I decided …

Clear Your Cache

Folks. It’s time to clear it. I finally updated my website (http://www.irene-park.com).  And it feels good.  It’s got a more streamlined look and it’s very straightforward while still being ‘me’. I shot my part for a short film called Cab 57 last Monday. It was totally ironic. I had been pretty persistent about locking down …

Just ‘Be’

Everything that surrounds acting can make it one of the hardest art forms to create…but in the purest form, it is so liberating. The best acting is done from the core of oneself — the soul.  Also the most intriguing acting I find is when they’re/you’re completely ‘in the moment’.  We’re all so busy becoming …

Audition, audition, auditionI have been off and running since the beginning of the new year with auditions for commercials and film roles. It has been great being called into audition in the first place but even better being asked to come in for callbacks.  Between wrapping a short film, Relative Eternity, I took a trip …